- What Attributes are Mapped to the Boise Member Report?
- Hiding Left End Indicators
- Exporting and Importing a Full DataMover Backup of your User Settings and data.
- How to create User Defined Material (UDM) in BC Framer or MiTek Structure
- Add Details to Manually Place Library
- Configuring BC Framer / Sapphire Structure and Windows With Large 4K Monitor Screen Resolution
- Steel Shapes in BC Framer
- How do I change the displayed dimensions to the standard Feet, Inches and Fractions? (FIF)
- The analysis is running slowly. What is causing this?
- Create a New Template in BC Framer
- Create a Custom Scheme in BC Framer
- Why are the floor joists, rim and beams displayed in colors that are different than those chosen in Program Settings?
- How do I add a User Defined Material (UDM) into a project? The UDM isn't in the consider list.
- Where are my SAV (Back up) files in BC Framer?
- The selection end point indicators are faint. Where is this changed?
- When drawing walls the cursor is not staying ortho. It jumps to snaps instead.
- Changing the default Material list Output printer to CutePDF or another physical printer.
- Output Material Report- changing the output type: Current Level/Selection, All levels Consolidated or All Levels Separated.
- What is the “1X” under my plumbing symbol or collection and how do I hide it?
- Save an Output Material Report to CSV.
- BC Framer is not staying logged into BC Connect. Every time I launch the program I have to sign in.
- The Snaps Override Ortho
- Mapping the BC Connect project fields to a BC Framer layout sheet attribute
- Will a BC Framer file always create a material list in BC Connect?
- How to consolidate hangers of the same type in BC Framer Material List? There are too many separate plot IDs.
- How do I add hangers to an active material list?
- How do I Import an Output Material Report?
- How do I activate BC Connect in MiTek Structure?
- I-Joist material is not rounding properly. Exact length instead.
- Stop the lower panel tabs (Job Information, Errors, etc.) from popping up when the mouse cursor is over the tab.