Add Hangers to a Consider List
- Hangers are controlled by MiTek Materials. Navigate to the Setup menu to start MiTek Materials. Click File > Setup > MiTek Materials.
- In order to add a hanger to an active material list, hangers must first be turned on in Item Master. Click Item Master under the left Main Navigation column.
- Change the Material Category to "Hanger",
- Find the hanger and make sure that the hangers you will be adding to the consider list have a check mark next to them. This makes the hanger available to the Material List.
- Click Save in the upper left corner if you made any changes.
- Click Material List under the left Main Navigation column.
- Select Connectors in Application Categories and choose the material list to modify. The connectors material list has several sub-sections for different conditions, however, only the master list needs to be adjusted. (If you wish to sort the list, select the "Hangers" subsection. The Up/Down links will allow you to move hangers up or down in the list.
- Find the connectors by using the provided filters for Material Categories.
- Select the hangers to move in the Available Material window and click the arrow button [>] to move the hanger to the Active Material window.
- After all changes are complete, click Save and close MiTek Materials.
NOTE: Changes made to the Active Material list should update the material list in BC Framer® software. If not, restart BC Framer and try again.