How do I change the dimension text size for this BC Framer project?

BC Framer® software allows a user to modify the size of the label text for just Dimensions if desired. This can be accomplished for all future jobs, or for just the current job.

Manage the Job Properties to effect the current job

Manage Job Defaults to effect future jobs


Current Job

Change the dimension label font size in the current job:

1. Navigate to File > Setup > Job Properties.



2. Job Settings > Labels > Labels: General > Dimensions

3. Modify the Font Size value as necessary and click OK.


4. Click OK to save the change.


Future Jobs

Change the Dimension label font size for future jobs:

1. Navigate to File > Setup > Manage Job Defaults.



2. Schemes > Job Settings > Labels > [Your specific Scheme name or Default] > Labels: General > Dimensions then click OK.


3. Click OK to commit the change. This will affect all new files created using this scheme.

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