Supported Upgrade-able version: 8.4.2
Supports Windows 11
Notable Improvements
Hide Inactive Projects Default
The BC Connect® software integration setting "Hide Inactive Projects" now defaults to Yes for all new installations of v8.6.1+.
Snow Load Duration Input
BC Framer now allows a Duration of Load factor of 1.0 for design in high snow load regions.
New Versa-Lam® LVL Size for Canada
A new 3.5" x 19" Versa-Lam LVL beam size was added for design in the western Canadian market.
IBC 2021
The 2021 IBC building code is now available for use.
Bug Fixes
Hanger Group Labels
Group hanger labels now behave as expected for members framing into flush beams.
Advanced Material Selection - Joists
Editing with Joist Advanced Material Selection now works when more than one joist member is selected.
Post Scheme Crash
Selecting the Post member scheme "East Grounded" no longer causes application crashes.
BC Connect® Error Saving XML
When BC Connect software integration is enabled but the "Save MMDL to BC CONNECT" is not checked, XML materials lists now save to the selected BC Connect project.
Also available in: Version 8.5.3 Update 12 and Version 8.6.0 Update 7