BC Connect General Release Notes - February 2022

Changes effective: February 17th, 2022

New Features

Tract Projects - Overview 📺

The Tract Projects feature helps to improve the overall project process when the plan in question has minimal design needs. This process usually involves a series of pre-approved house plan designs in differing room configurations, where the request to the dealer is to prepare the package for delivery as quickly as possible.

Tract Projects - Managing Design Models 📺

  • The ability to add a design model repository to a builder
  • After enabled, provides the ability to manage the list of design models and information
  • Design Model Folders
    • Ability to manage and organize the design models in folders and sub-folders
  • The reusable material lists are referred to as Design Models.  This feature provides for the ability to add new models and add or update information to existing ones.
  • Ability to upload and store .pdf layout sheet files with the Design Model.
    • PDF will be included with each project, created from the Design Model
  • Tract Builders Page
    • New page that will list all Builders that have the Tract Project Design Models repository enabled

Tract Projects - Creating Projects 📺

  • Tract Builders Page
    • New page that will list all Builders that have the Tract Project Design Models repository enabled
  • Create New project from Design model
    • Ability to select a Design Model and create a new project
      • The project will be created from the entered information, and the material list will be added, and if desired, automatically saved to the “Ready for Optimization” status.
  • Stored .pdf layout sheet files are listed as project attachments
    • New view provides access to layout sheets from the material list page


Notable Updates

Optimization Enhancements:

  • Prioritize using offcuts created within the optimization before pulling shorts from inventory
  • Create usable offcuts
    • Min Offcut Length and Max Waste values now reduce the number of short offcuts being created per batch.
      • When both values are set, the resulting optimization should not contain waste/offcut longer than the Max Waste value or shorter than the Offcut length.

**NOTE: Min Offcut Length and Max Waste Values must be set for individual products within Inventory settings.

Bug Fixes

Setting an Assigned Designer

Setting an Assigned Designer, for use with the Design Work Queue page, will no longer cause an issue with the Quote Sheet being saved.


General Enhancements (January 19, 2022)

  • Improvement to the loading time for a Material list
  • Improvement to the loading time and user experience when the Attachment Tab is viewed
  • Improvement to the loading time of the Design Service Ticket Tab
  • Improvement to the loading of the Projects and Builders list when the Material list Save As action is started
  • Improvement to the Project Edit page load time
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