Speed up your workflow with Ribbon Icons for Reports

Most any designer would agree that tricks to reduce clicks are valuable. Try adding the reports that get used every day to the ribbon of your choice by following these simple steps. 

- First navigate to File > Setup > Customize Ribbons.


- Expand the section under Customize that represents the Ribbon you would like to use.

NOTE: in this example we will use the Reports ribbon, under the Output tab.


- Expand the Reports folder under Commands and while holding the left mouse button, drag the desired report(s) to the destination Ribbon, under Customize.

NOTE: in this example we will add the Materials Reports FIF - Preview and FIS - Preview to the Output > Reports Ribbon. Ribbon-report-icons-2.gif

- Finally, click Save and navigate to the tab which contains the ribbon you've customized.


Learn how to further customize the Command Ribbons and Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)! 

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