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BC Connect® General Release Notes - April 2021

Key Features:
- Batch Planning and Scheduling Overview 📺
- Batch Enhancements 📺
- Additional Batch Statuses
- New
- Ready to Schedule
- Scheduled
- New "HotShot" process
- One click action to optimize and auto accept a batch, based on batch details, in order to speed time to cutting.
- Batch is prioritized as next batch to cut on the Sawyer Dashboard and Batch List view.
- New abilities accessible from the Batch List view
- Optimize
- Optimize and Accept
- Ready to Schedule
- Scheduling calendar
- Batch Scheduling Page 📺
- Ability to schedule batches to future days
- Ability to see total projected cut time for daily batches
- Ability to set a batch changeover time
- Ability to re-schedule and unschedule batches
- Ability to see batches that have been scheduled during the Batch process
- Access to capacity settings to set the changeover time and the hours cut target
- Sawyer Dashboard 📺
- View of batches scheduled to be cut today, with the ability to order based on prioritization
- View of batches that were cut yesterday
- View of batches that are 'currently' set to be cut tomorrow
- Material Fulfillment 📺
- Ability to see the relationship between products in a material list and the batch/status it has been added to.
- Ability to see if products/rows in the material list have not been added to a batch.
- Usage Report
- Ability to see what quantities of inventory lengths have been used over the past three months.
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