Creating a Custom Set of Tools in a Ribbon (tab)

Customizing the Ribbons in BC Framer® is simple using the Customize Ribbon tool. You could create your own ribbon, comprised of only the tools you use to improve productivity. 


The sky's the limit once you begin to customize your daily-used tools!

NOTE: There are two ways to access the Customize Ribbon screen and this article will cover both.

- Open BC Framer®

- From the File tab, select Setup: Customize Ribbons. (This is the first way to access this screen.)



Show All Commands

- From the Customize Ribbon dialogue, click into the Command View drop-down menu and select All Commands. This will show commands that are already being used in other ribbons so they're available to add in the new custom Ribbon (tab).




Create a New Ribbon

- Right-click the Standard folder in the Customize column and select New Tab.


With the new tab selected, under Tab Properties add Tab Name, then under Available Views select the view where access to the new tab will be required. Then click OK.


- Optional: Select a Tab Icon, click OK


- Click Save to commit the new Ribbon to the database.
NOTE: Until tools have been added to the ribbon, it will not show up as a tab in BC Framer®. See Customize a Ribbon to begin setting up the new tab.


Customize a Ribbon

Now that there's a new Ribbon(tab), in order to see it in BC Framer® we will need to add at least one tool. To add the first tool(s), we will add an existing group of tools, to see how adding a group will begin to categorize the new tab.

- Click into the Customize Quick Access Toolbad (QAT) menu or right-click any tool, within any Ribbon(tab) and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar to access the Customize Ribbon screen. (This is the second way to access this screen)


- From the Customize column, expand the Standard folder and locate the ribbon to be customized.


- From the Commands column, use the Command View drop-down menu to select All Commands.
NOTE: It can also be helpful to click the Expand All icon, to see all of the nested commands.


From the Commands column click, and drag a group (folder) of commands or expand a folder to select a single command and drag to the new Ribbon in the Customize column.



Organize a Ribbon

From within the Customize Ribbon window, Groups can be added or renamed and tools can be organized within those groups. 


- To create a Group within a Ribbon, right-click the Ribbon item in the Customize column and select New Group.


- Once the new group is created, select the group and edit the Group Properties to set a Group Name.
- Drag and drop commands from the Commands column over to the Group in the Customize column. 
- Drag and drop commands to change the order in which they're listed in the Ribbon/Group

TIP: Hold Shift while dragging the item to nest it with another. More on this in Nesting Ribbon Commands and Buttons.


Nesting Ribbon Commands and Buttons

You may find that as the custom ribbon grows that it quickly runs out of space, which will end up requiring scrolling to access commands.

Reduce button size or use menu buttons to conserve space and maximize potential.

NOTE: An existing group or nested command may be cut, or copied and pasted from one ribbon or group to another. We recommended copying, leaving the original ribbon items in tact.  

Nesting Commands in a Menu Button


- Hold Shift to click and drag one command to another to nest the commands in one location.

- Once the commands are nested there will be a plus symbol (+) next to the nested commands. Select the nested command and from the Command Properties grid change the Button Style to Menu Button.


Button Types

Additionally, buttons can be made smaller to conserve space or left large to improve click accuracy.

Button Options:

  • Large
  • Small
  • ImageOnly
  • MenuButton
  • SmallMenuButton
  • ImageMenuButton



Intro: Customizing the Command Ribbons and the Quick Access Toolbar

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