Search and View

With the highly customizable Search and View window a designer is able to search, filter and highlight objects in a model for review. This article will begin to highlight some of the many uses for the tool as well as how the tool can be customized to meet a designer's needs.

The Layout

Search and View is made up of a top row of Group tabs as well as Columns within each tab. The top cell of each column is for filtering results and will accept text and numeric values allowing for fine and "fuzzy" search functionality.


Each group is dockable and can be replicated, then docked within a designer's custom view. Simply right-click the Group's tab and select Dockable View, then drag the new window into a docked location


By right-clicking it is also possible to choose which groups and columns are shown or hidden, to further customize the Search and View window. Right-click on a Group or Column title and select the Chooser.

Sorting, Searching and Filtering

Clicking on the header of a column will sort the grid, by that column's values in ascending or descending order. 

Click into the top cell of a column to search for a specific value.

Click the ABC or = icon in the search cell to add modifying filters to a search.


Modifying filters for searches includes the following menus:


NOTE: Filters can be reset, disabled or removed in two places.

Across the bottom of the Search and View pane there will be one or multiple filters that can be removed or temporarily disabled by clicking the X (delete) or ✔ (disable). mceclip5.png

In the upper right corner, when filtered, the Filter list will show <Custom>. Click the menu and select Default to reset all filters.


Use Cases

While there are many ways to use this powerful tool, a couple of use cases might include searching for a particular member that isn't well highlighted by an error, seeking short or zero length members or multi-selecting objects by specific criteria. 

Searching for particular member can be useful, but if a wall interferes with a floor container, both objects are combined in the error list. Using Zoom to or Jump to Object from the error list highlights too much information and complicates isolating the wall.

Use Search and View's wall groups to search for the wall by ID. 



Seeking short or zero length members can be useful in the event of a crash. Short pieces of Blocking and Joist are often culprits when troubleshooting issues. 

Open Search and View, select the Linear Framing Tab and sort the Length column in ascending order to find members with the shortest length. 



Multi-select objects can be very useful for modifying hangers by type or label. Use the Connectors Group tab, then sort and/or search for the objects. Click one of the results, then Shift+Click the last to be modified to select the objects. Make the desired change in the Properties grid.


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