PDF Import - Modify Color

The BC Framer® PDF Import tool allows modification of line color on import. A designer may vary the color of a trace object by level or to distinguish the color of a revised plan.

NOTE: Some PDFs are created from 'simple' images or have been scanned, and are not from an 'original'. This feature will not function as expected if the document was not created from an original, containing important image data.

Import the PDF from File > Import > Import PDF/Images.

Note: Dragging and dropping the file for import to the main window skips this step and initiates the same import dialog shown in the next step.


- Choose PDF/Image file to import and click Open.

- Place a check next to the page number, then select that page, to display the pre-import options:


NOTE: The Modify Color option will only be available when Scale Type is Page Size. The graphic can be scaled once imported.

Name: Name the import if desired.
     Note: The name will be appended to the name of the Layer and can be edited later. 
Level: Level for import
Layer: Create New Layer
Scale Type: Page Size
Modify Color: Yes
Color: Select Color as desired.

- Now, if desired, modify Scale Type.

- Repeat these steps for all pages to import and click OK



The finished import should be in the color selected and toggled in Visibility Switches by Layer.


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