BC Calc General Release - August 2020


Updates apply to www.bccalc.com as of August 7, 2020.

BC Calc® Software Offline Mode Release - Version 130 200807

Release Highlights

Analysis Summary
- Improved Shortcut Keys 📺
- Drag and Drop Feature 📺

Copy To/Copy From (Holes) 📺
User Defined Loads (Improved) 📺
Save Dialog Improvements (Open and Save) 📺

Offline Mode Enhancements - Double-click To Open 📺

Notable Improvements & Updates

Auto-Adjust View
Auto-Adjust allows for a clear view of the entire modal window and/or dialogue box  in the Analysis Summary/ Landing page, save dialog and Project Explorer page.  

  • The view will now auto-adjust based on screen size and browser zoom settings where available screen real estate permits. 

Copy To / From (Holes)
Joists and Beams now support Copy To / From to allow for a quick replication of existing holes to like members.

User Defined Loads
User Defined Loads will now have icons for Delete All Loads and Copy Loads for managing custom loads created in Analysis Settings.

Open and Save Dialog (New Functionality)

  • Analysis Name field changed to File Name when saving your (.bccx) file to bccalc.com's online storage.
  • Auto-Adjusting the size of the save dialog; now the Save/Close buttons and File Name at the bottom of the window will remain within view.
  • Visual Cues added to guide navigation as to which field is next when saving a file.

Project Explorer
Project Explorer auto adjusts with a pop-out side navigation for managing the members of an analysis.

Analysis Summary Page/Landing Page
Landing page now Auto-Adjusts for a clear view of the entire dialogue box.

Save To Desktop (Online)
It is now possible to save analysis files to the local computer's desktop instead of saving to online storage. Navigate to Project > Save As: On Desktop


Double-Click File to Open (Offline)
Double-click a locally saved .bccx file to open it in BC Calc Offline mode.

Increased Hole Size Analysis for Rectangular Products
Larger hole sizes are allowed in LVL, LSL and Glulam products to align with APA Guidelines.

New Versa-Lam® LVL MOE Values
Default inventories now include the latest MOE products for analysis.

  • Users need to update their customized inventories to incorporate the NEW MOE product into their analysis consideration.

LSL Products
LSL Products are now included in product inventory for analysis.

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