There are four areas that a status is referenced in BC Connect® software.
Click the filter icon to show the filter row on the Project Dashboard. This is useful for filtering projects and specifically the statuses referenced in this article.
- Project Status
- Project Sales Status
- Design Service Ticket (DST) Status
- Operations Service Ticket (OST) Status
Project Status
Project Status is seen as the overall tracking field for the project. None of these status selections are triggered, so you should manually set the status of the overall project as it progressed from start to finish. This status is critical to the Project dashboard and performance of the site in general. By setting a Project Status to "Complete" or "Inactive" the project will be hidden from the dashboard and display only active projects.
Benefits to maintaining Project Status:
- Project Dashboard will load much faster
- If saving a BC Framer® software or Sapphire Structure file into BC Connect the "Hide Inactive Projects" setting will search for active projects only.
The status may be changed on the Project Dashboard or from the project itself.
This status is referenced on the Report Dashboard page, unless the status is "Inactive". Inactive should only be used for projects that would be deleted if possible.
Since a status of "Complete" or "Inactive" hides the project from the Project Dashboard, there is still a way to view and access these. Click the eye icon at the top left of the Project Dashboard to toggle the visibility. (See Inactive Projects / Hide Inactive Projects)
Project Sales Status
Sales Status is used to indicate if the project is Sold or Lost, or if there is a reason preventing the project from moving to the Sold status. The status may be changed on the Project Dashboard or from the project itself.
Only one status change is automated. When a DST is set to “Ready for Optimization”, the current sales status will be set to “Sold”.
Design Service Ticket (DST) Status
Design Ticket Status is used to convey the progress that is being made on the design, respective of a single material list. None of the selections have any automated change mechanisms, but there are a couple of special situations.
A new DST will have a status of “New Ticket”, when created from the BC Connect web site.
A new ticket created by BC Framer will start with the status of “In Progress”.
When a material list is imported, the starting status will be “In Progress”.
Operations Service Ticket (OST) Status
Operations Ticket Status is used to track the progress of a material list's relationship with a batch. Some of the selections have triggers for automated changes.
There is no way to manually create a new Operations Service Ticket. A new ticket is created when a DST is set to “Ready for Optimization” and the location settings are set to allow OST creation.
The starting status of this OST is “On Deck”. When a material list is ‘loaded’ so that a user could select a product from the list to include in a batch, the OST status is changed to “In Progress”. If the user does not end up making a product selection, the status will remain “In Progress” but this is not an issue.
When the batch is set to a batch status of “Complete”, the OST status is changed to “Complete”.
Only an OST status of “On Deck” or “In Progress” will allow the material list to be visible on the Batch creation screen. If a batch needs to be opened to cut the remaining members change the OST status to "On Deck" or "In Progress" again. The material list will now be available to optimize uncut material.
Special Condition in the Application
If the Project Sales Status is set to “Preliminary” when a new design file/material list xml is sent to BC Connect from BC Framer, the material list will not automatically be associated to a new DST.
This prevents the material list from being visible on the Project Dashboard by design, so that the ‘wrong’ material list cannot be sent to operations by mistake.