BC Calc® software (.com and Offline Mode) utilizes allowable stress design (ASD) when any edition of the International Building Code (IBC) is selected. The appropriate load factors are applied within the ASD load combination equations based upon the IBC edition selected.
Boise Cascade engineered wood design values utilized in BC Calc are published in the corresponding ICC-ES evaluation report or APA product report. These values are determined per the corresponding ASTM product standard, including the appropriate ASD safety factors for each design value type.
Our U.S. code approvals can be found at the links below:
AJS® Joists: ESR-1144-ALLJoist-Code-Report.pdf
BCI® Joists: ESR-1336-BCI-Code-Report.pdf
Versa-Lam® LVL: ESR-1040-VERSA-LAM-Code-Report.pdf
Boise Glulam®: APA-PR-L313-BOISE-GLULAM-and-KING-BEAM-Code-Report.pdf