Checking and Adjusting Scale for Imported PDF Trace Objects

After the PDF has been imported to a BC Framer® model the scale can still be adjusted. This might be necessary if your plan was scanned and the image is no longer matching the noted or intended scale (if there was one!)

Whether importing the trace object to a scale (Drawing Scale) or not, it's still a good idea to check the scale in both directions, before you start drawing:

  • Select the PDF trace object and check that it is not locked. There should be an 'unlocked' mceclip0.png icon in the lower right corner.
  • Right-click within the trace object and from the sub-menu PDF/Image Trace, select Scale.


  • Follow the steps for setting scale based on the trace object's dimensions.


  • Check the left to right dimension (x axis) with the Tape Measure to be sure that the scale is correct.
  • Check the top to bottom dimension (y axis) following the same steps.
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