Can I save BC Calc (*.bccx) files to my computer or network drive?

Yes! BC Calc® software files may now be saved to the cloud or local drive, and opened from the cloud or local drive. 

Save Files to the Cloud or Local Drive:


Open Files from the Cloud or Local Drive:


These new tools make it easier to save and share files, but files can be managed as previously using the Manage Projects tool.

A BC Calc analysis (*.bccx) file can be downloaded (and shared) if a local copy of the file is required. 

To download a bccx file for local/network storage, or to share:

 1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Select the Project Name from the left navigation.

3. Click the download icon mceclip5.png at the far right, or the email icon mceclip4.png to send a link.


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