How Can I Share a BC Calc (.bccx) File or Project?

Click a link below to jump to a specific section!

Sharing a bccx File

- Email a link or Downloading a .bccx analysis to share

- Opening a locally saved .bccx file in BCCalc Offline Mode

- Opening a locally saved .bccx file in

Sharing Projects

- Share a project with another user

- Revoking a users shared access

- Deleting a user from *all* Shared Project User Lists

- Accessing a Shared Project

- Leaving a Shared Project


Sharing web based BC Calc® software ( Analysis files with others is easy to do. The analysis will need to be saved in a Project. The options for sharing a file will include the ability to send an email with links to open the file in BC Calc ( or to simply download the file, which could then be shared across a network or as an attachment. The downloaded bccx file can be opened in BC Calc Offline Mode or uploaded to another account.

BC Calc ( also supports sharing Projects with other users, described later, but lets start with sharing a .bccx file with a simple link or attachment.


Sharing a bccx File

Email a Link or Download a .bccx Analysis to Share

To email links or download a bccx file to share:

 1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Select the Project Name from the left navigation.

3. Click the download icon mceclip5.png at the far right, or the email icon mceclip4.png to send a link.


Note: If you download and save the file to your computer you can archive the analysis (bccx) file locally and open the file in BC Calc Offline Mode, or upload and open the file from another account.


 Opening a Locally Saved .bccx File in BCCalc Offline Mode (and now in BC Calc online!)

A bccx file received in an email or downloaded from a link can be opened in or opened in BC Calc Offline Mode:

1. From BC Calc Offline Mode click Project > Open Analysis. 


2. From BC Calc online, click Project > Open Analysis > From Desktop.

3. From either version of Calc, browse to the locally saved .bccx file and Open.



Opening a Locally Saved .bccx File in

For another designer to open the file, they will need to visit and sign in as a registered user. Then either click the "Open file in BC Calc here" link from the share email, or upload the file to a new or existing Project: 

1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Select a Project or use the New Folder icon mceclip10.png to add a Project.

3. With the Project Name selected click the Upload icon. mceclip30.png


4. Browse for the file(s) you would like to upload and select Open.


5. Once there's at least one file selected the Upload button will be active.

NOTE: A completed upload will result in a green diamond under status.


6. Click Close

 - Navigate to and Double-click an analysis to view, modify and save.


Sharing Projects

Share a Project with Another User also allows for sharing a Project with collaborating users. A registered user on BC Calc can allow users to access their Projects and access Projects that have been shared with them through this space:

1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Click the Share icon. mceclip15.png

3. Place a check next to the Project to be shared, then click Add Users.


4. Enter an existing BC Calc registered user's email address, then click Add Contact.


5. Once all of the required users have been added, click the Share checkbox next to their name, then Save. 


*Information on accessing a Shared Project.


Revoking a User's Shared Access

When collaboration is complete and a user no longer needs access to a Project, shared access can be revoked:

1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Click the Share icon mceclip15.png next to Project Name.


3. Click to uncheck the box next to the user to revoke shared access to the Project, then click Save.



Deleting a User From *all* Shared Project User Lists

If a user will no longer need access to any shared Projects, you may delete the user from all Shared Project User Lists:

1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Click the Share icon mceclip15.png next to Project Name.


3. Click the Trash Can icon mceclip22.png next to the user to remove them from all Shared Project User Lists, then click Save and confirm the Delete. 



Accessing a Shared Project

To access a Project that has been shared with you:

1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Click the Share icon. mceclip15.png

3. Expand the Shared With Me group and the name of the user who shared with you, then click on the Project Name to see the contents of the Project.


NOTE: If there will be collaboration on a Project where both parties will be making changes to the same file, be sure to unlock the file before editing.


A locked Project will not allow for direct saving, but Save As will allow for saving to a copy, while leaving the original intact. Use caution when unlocking a file, as the owner may prefer that the file be left unchanged. The last save "wins".

 - Double click an analysis to view, modify and save.


Leaving a Shared Project

When collaboration is complete or a local save of a Project has been achieved, you may remove yourself from a shared Project:

1. Click Project > Manage Projects.


2. Click the Share icon mceclip15.png

3. Select the tab labeled Shared With Me and place a check under Leave Shared Project


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