BC Framer Crashes on Launch. Error: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter.Deserialize

Error: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter.Deserialize
This error indicates that there is a problem with the BC Framer® software install that can be resolved by a full reinstall.

  1. Determine what version of BC Framer you have installed. Find the UI.exe file and right-click to choose Properties.
    Default install location: C:\Program Files\Boise Cascade BC Framer\Programs\UI.exe
  2. On the Properties box, click Details. The File version will be displayed here.
  3. Close any error messages or BC Framer dialog boxes
  4. Uninstall Boise Cascade BC Framer from the Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features.
  5. Delete the install folder. By default this is C:\Program Files\Boise Cascade BC Framer (Your install location may vary)
  6. Find the install file for the version you had installed previously.
  7. Right-click on this file and choose "Run as Administrator".
  8. Follow the prompts and use default locations and settings.
  9. When prompted to select the local SQL Server, choose one that you already have. Typically this is named "BCFRAMER". Do not install a new SQL server. Click Next.
  10. When prompted for a database, choose an existing one and the option to "Overwrite". This will retain your existing database.
  11. Click Next and any other prompts and BC Framer will install.

This should restore your access to BC Framer without requiring a new activation code.

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