Layout Start Symbol
BC Framer® software provides a Layout Start Symbol for communicating where to start joist layout. This symbol is scalable and can be accompanied with user-entered text (i.e. Start Layout Here @ 16" o.c) The symbol may also be aligned to the direction of the joist section - horizontal, vertical, or at an angle.
To insert a Layout Start Symbol into the plan:
- Click the Layout Start Symbol tool button on the Text and Annotation toolbar.
- Edit the properties grid for the symbol as needed.
-The Angle allows you to place the symbol at an angle relative to the user-selected reference line.
-The End Marker properties are the standards used throughout the system.
-The Insertion Point Symbol's visibility may be toggled and its size set relative to the text.
-Extension Lines may be turned on or off.
-You may enter text in the properties grid to go both above and below the left and right direction arrows, but if you do not enter text into at least one of these fields the arrows will not display. - Select a reference line for placement of the symbol and enter any offset necessary. (Click one) This line is your layout start line.
- Select a location for the extension line anchor point by clicking the desired point on the displayed reference line. (Click two) The extension line uses the offset specified in the property grid. (Extension Line Offset)
- Select a location along the reference line, above the floor container, to place the Layout Start Symbol. (Click three) This actually places the symbol.If you are not careful, it may snap to the corner of the building again.
The system will place the Layout Start Symbol along the reference line perpendicular to your first click at the layout start line. Layout in two directions from one location is supported, such as the center of a member in the middle of a floor container.
Once you have placed the symbol it may be dragged to another location along the reference line, connected to the insertion point by the extension line. If you need to reverse the direction arrow, end marker and associated text strings after placement, you may do so from the right-click context menu "Toggle direction arrow" selection. You may also choose "Mirror" from the right-click menu.
Note: the defaults for the Layout Start Symbol settings are established under Manage Job Defaults > Schemes > Job Settings > Drawing and Markup Tools > Symbols > Layout Start Symbol. Select the Default scheme if you don't have a custom one available.
To apply any changes to an open job go to Job Properties > Job Settings > Drawing and Markup Tools > Symbols > Layout Start Symbol.