Changes effective: June 26th, 2024
Version: 1.52.20240426.1
Learn how this new enhancement gives greater control over exact length material lists using dynamic rounding in the batch process.
0:08: Working with materialists in product links has always posed a slight challenge when you need to make last minute changes to how the product links are used in operations processing.
0:17: Historically, these changes required importing a new materialist or using the save as feature in order to make the necessary length adjustments to a materialist.
0:26: The cut precision enhancement greatly simplifies this process and streamlines the ability to make processing adjustments at optimization.
0:33: This session will give a brief overview of how this enhancement will help with finding the right level of cut processing for your projects.
0:41: Conversations around operations processing should begin with the materialist how a materialist was added to BC connect and whether or not rounding was assigned in the source file has a critical impact to what adjustments can be made during the design phase regardless of the material source.
0:56: Once the list has been sent for operations processing, no further adjustments to that list are supported.
1:02: When last minute changes have been identified, the process to make updates are quite cumbersome and the steps to make any changes may vary slightly depending on the type of material list.
1:11: Let's start at the project dashboard and select a material list that belongs to the Ben Ulster Gage project.
1:20: This is ABC materialist and has a mix of length precision F J.
1:24: One is at a 2 ft increment F J two is at a 1 ft increment and F J three through five are exact links.
1:33: All the blocking panels are at exact links.
1:37: This list has been set for ready for optimization which means that the materialist is locked to prevent any additional editing and is ready for operations to pick it up and move it toward cut processing.
1:48: This list is included in a batch and I will jump to that open tab to take a look.
1:54: We'll now run a couple of scenarios for the cut precision feature.
1:58: First, we'll check to see what has been included from the materialist in the batch.
2:08: We can see that all the joists and all the blocking panels have been selected.
2:12: We can also see that these lengths match what we just saw in the materialist.
2:20: We will cancel out of this model since we're not looking to make changes and return to the batch at its core.
2:26: This new feature is simply two new dropdowns, cut precision and block precision.
2:33: The default selection as submitted means that no additional rounding changes will be applied during optimization and will ensure that there is no disruption for any locations.
2:43: When this feature releases.
2:45: The selection options for each drop down are T E T or precision N trim, which is the exact length of the member three inch six inch, 1 ft and 2 ft rounding increments.
2:59: These allow the user to round each links in the materialist up to a value that matches the selective precision.
3:09: Looking back to the materialist. 3:10: We will focus on joist F J four.
3:13: The starting length is 18 ft three and three quarter inches.
3:17: By selecting a precision of three inches that links will change to 18 ft six, which is the next three inch increment.
3:30: We will set the selection to three inches and then optimize optimization happens as expected.
3:39: But now there's additional information added to the cutlass header.
3:44: We can see what precision has been selected and whether it will affect blocking or not, we'll expand the cut view and find choice F J four.
3:58: We can see that it now has a length of 18 ft six.
4:02: The distribution area has also been updated to reflect not only the new length of choice FJ four, but all of the links that have been affected for Joyce F J one and F J two, they were already at a length that is an increment of three inches.
4:20: So they have not undergone any additional length adjustment.
4:24: Let's return to the batch details and make an adjustment for blocking.
4:30: Let's set the blocking precision to 2 ft and optimize the header information will reflect the differing precision selections and that blocking is set to 2 ft as we expect if we expand the cutlass area, we can see all the blocking pieces are now 2 ft blocking pieces.
4:56: Since this is an adjustment after the materialist was locked, a fact that all blocking panels rounded to the same length will not consolidate the pieces to have the same mark.
5:05: Each piece will retain its mark from the materialist.
5:09: If the list now matches the desired operations, output, it is ready to accept and proceed to cutting, making changes to the cut precision is as easy as returning to the batch details view and selecting a different increment.
5:22: And unless the optimized solution is accepted, you can make as many changes as needed and review the suggested solution after each change.
5:30: However, the true power of this feature is tied to the links present in the materialist when it is set to the operations phase by sending lists with exact links.
5:39: The most flexibility is supported in processing options.
5:43: This concludes working with the C precision enhancement.
5:46: If you feel this feature is a good fit for your location, please reach out if you have any additional questions on getting this feature set up.