Hip/Valley 📺


0:00: New hip and valley design tool.

0:03: This newly designed hip and valley tool now allows users to design valley beams as well as multi span hip or valley beams and multi sloped roofs.

0:13: You will notice that once you hover over the old hip icon, it has been renamed to new hip and valley.

0:20: Clicking on this icon will add a new hip valley member.

0:23: The new default member prefix is now S H 01.

0:27: You can edit the member by double clicking or selecting edit via the context menu.

0:32: This will take you to the new member page of this design tool.

0:35: You will notice that it now gives you a plan, bird's eye view of the potential hip or valley beam to be designed.

0:42: I will use the context menu to select the product.

0:51: The member name and product name is now displayed next to the icon row near the top of the page, starting with the spans tab and moving left to right.

0:59: You can change the input type from hip beam to valley beam.

1:03: Doing so will change the model displayed on the page.

1:06: Next, you can add more spans to the beam by clicking on the plus icon, input mode of the dimension will remain defaulted to out to out as shown on the drawing above.

1:16: Next, you can edit the slopes by changing the back slope, left hand side of the beam or the front slope, right hand side of the beam.

1:25: In my example, I will add a span doing so will add a span to the top of the drawing on the front rafter dimension string.

1:32: Please note that these entered dimensions are true plan dimensions, adding more dimensions or editing the current dimensions, updates both the front rafter and back dimensions simultaneously.

1:44: What if I need to make a change to my back dimension?

1:47: I can double click on the model to activate editor mode, then click on the back rafter dimension and edit it to 34 ft doing this will auto update the total front rafter dimension as well as the last span of the front rafter dimensions.

2:04: Next, I will edit the back slope since I am in editor mode already, I will do this from the plan, changing this slope to four and 12 will in turn change the back rafter dimension to a larger number.

2:16: It will also change the beam slope on the plan from 45 to 34 degrees.

2:21: In this case to reconcile the plan.

2:24: Next, I will edit the front slope again in editor mode, I will change it on the plan by selecting the slope and editing the field this time I went to a larger slope.

2:35: Again, you will notice that the back rafter dimension is what changes to reconcile the plan.

2:40: The beam slope on the plan changed from 34 to 27 degrees.

2:45: If you want to see the beam elevation view, you can change the member drawing view from plan to beam elevation by clicking on the toggle plan elevation view button.

2:55: In this view, you will notice that most of the inputs and span dimensions are disabled from editing except the bearing inputs.

3:03: Moving to the settings tab.

3:05: You will notice that we can now edit beam settings such as service condition, beam bracing, live deflection limits and total deflection limits continuing to the loads tab.

3:17: You will notice you have three loads in the grid standard load and two equivalent loads.

3:23: The standard load is what users can edit and is the area load pounds per square foot for your load component.

3:30: The equivalent load is the slope corrected values on the beam.

3:34: We are displaying both so that users can have full visibility of the loads that are placed on the member, editing the standard load.

3:42: You can either double click on the standard load or click on standard load and select edit above the grid.

3:48: By default, we have dead load and snow load checked.

3:51: You can select any load type from here as well as type in any value into the box.

3:57: If the value you want is not available in the drop down menu.

4:00: We also now show the equivalent load in the dialogue as well.

4:04: Please note by default, the side load box will be checked for these loads.

4:09: You can also add in more area loads to the full length of the beam.

4:16: The Boise member report has the following updates for this member hip input summary displays all the inputted values for the geometry of the hip or valley beam load summary displays the inputted valued for the load.

4:29: The equivalent load summary displays the slope corrected loads on the member.

4:34: Thanks again for watching and let us know if you have any additional questions.

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