Use the Manage Inventory page to administer your inventory. Click the App chooser and select the Inventory App.
By default this brings you to the Manage Inventory page. You may also browse back to this page using the dropdown menu. Click Manage > Manage Inventory.
Use the Product Groups to filter by product group.
Or you may choose a product from the Product list. The search box uses 'fuzzy search' and helps locate the product and depth.
If you have no products in inventory yet, or need to add a product not yet stocked, check the "Show unstocked products" box. This will update the Product list to show all available products.
Use the page to add lengths, change on hand quantity and indicate regularly stocked products.
Stock blocking lengths may also be added as stocked or unstocked and quantity on hand managed. Add a Max Quantity and blocking can be added automatically to a batch until the target number is met.