BC Framer® software crashes generate an incident report and the system offers to send this to the developer for review. This also creates the most recent version of the MMDL model and saves it to your local computer. The location changed in version 8.6.2.
Old location was in the install path: C:\Program Files\Boise Cascade BC FRAMER\Programs
New location: C:\Users\ CurrentUser \Documents\MiTek\ 8.6.2 \Incident Reports
Note that the CurrentUser and 8.6.2 (version) will vary on your local PC. Each version of the software will store crash files from that specific version.
Crash files prepend the tilde (~) symbol and append .cr.mmdl to the name.
Example: SmithHouse.mmdl would be saved as ~SmithHouse.mmdl.cr.mmdl
This file is the most recent version and if it opens can save your latest work. If the file opens, save the file back to the original name and location.